Plan My Trip
Connecting Travellers & Trip Experts
How it Works
Research & Itinerary Service
- 1. Browse
- Trip Experts and select one you like.
- 2. Hire & Pay
- Pick a research & itinerary package, provide trip info & submit request.
- 3. Receive Delivery
- Expert will deliver, collaborate and finalise your itinerary In the Free Lyfshort Trip Organiser App.
Booking & Support Service <normal>(Optional)</normal>
- 4. Book
- Trip Experts are also registered Travel Agents, book some or all itinerary items using messaging in the Lyfshort App.
- 5. Pay
- Use In-app messaging to finalise details and pay the Travel Agent.
- 6. Support
- Continue messaging conversations before, during and after your Trip within the Lyfshort itinerary for booked items.
Hire Your Trip Expert
Personalised research, Itinerary design and online collaboration service
Trip Expert Benefits